Apply to be a Camp Carysbrook Staff Member

Online Staff Application Form


Staff Testimonials

“This past summer I spent at Camp Carysbrook was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. The simplistic, rustic, and traditional style of camp opened my eyes up to what’s truly important. Making an impact on girls lives, meeting people from all over the world, learning more about yourself in the mountains than you ever would sitting in a classroom. The amount of love, support, and encouragement I received from my boss, colleagues, and campers is something so special to me and a feeling I will never forget. To anyone reading this who has daughters, send them to camp. It will change their lives and give them the confidence they need in a world that they live in today where everything is measured by social media and appearances. Deciding to apply for this job was the best decision I have ever made, I had the absolute best summer of my life. I can’t wait until next year.”
Lucy Muller 2014 1st year staff member Tallahassee, FL

“I just spent 8 weeks of my summer in the most magical place in the world. Here home was in a bunk bed in a little wooden cabin, friendships were sealed with string bracelets, rest hour is the best part of the day, and if you ask nicely you can get an hour and half. Nights are spent cuddled around a fire with campers and friends alike, and girls are challenged to grow and find themselves, while always being accepted for who they are. Here life is simpler and makes more sense. This summer has been one of amazing growth for me as a person, teacher, and leader. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything. Until next summer #24149”
Abby Worth-Jones 2014 1st year staff member Abingdon, VA

“This summer that I’ve spent working at Camp Carysbrook has easily been the best summer of my life so far. Camp is a place where life is simple, where the people are kind and genuine and where time flies by in a blink of an eye. It’s a truly incredible experience as you watch young girls be themselves in a place where no one judges, gossips or argues. It is where friendship is secured with some string on your wrist and appearance is the bottom priority. In one word camp is: perfect. Thank you to everyone who made my camp experience the most incredible adventure I could have ever hoped for. I love you #24149 Until we meet again.”
Claire Carlin 2015 1st year staff member Glasgow, Scotland


How do Workers In Training (WITS) apply?

WITs follow the same staff application process completing an online staff application form and the interview process. See link to staff application above. The WIT position is a paid position and includes room and board and 80 community service hours for successful completion of the program for the full eight weeks of camp, including staff week.

What can staff do during free time?

During free time it is suggested that staff relax with the campers. Following taps and after settling their cabin, staff can head to the office to take care of personal business. Staff take turns being at fire patrol (on call) once a week.

What is fire patrol?

There are two fire patrols, front and back, where two staff members are each day during free times and after taps. When on fire patrol, staff monitor campers and are expected to build a fire following taps (hence, the name). On rainy days, fire patrol moves to a cabin porch but staff continue to be on duty for supervision. Fire patrol ends at 11 pm.

What is the staff’s role during meals?

At each table, there will be a head and a foot staff member assigned each week. The head will serve the food throughout the meal. The foot will serve drinks and facilitate clean-up at the end of the meal. Some tables will have side staff members who sit at the table when they are not filling in for a head or a foot at another table. This is a great opportunity to model community, engagement and making new friends with a diverse group of individuals.

What goes on during staff meetings?

During staff meetings, the week is recapped and the week ahead is laid out. Positive and negative aspects of the week are discussed as well as suggestions for improvements. Staff meeting is a great time to lean in and collaborate, brainstorm and take on new responsibility in a supportive group of like-minded women.

Do staff ever get to participate in activities?

Usually staff will be working at their own activity, so they will not get to regularly participate in others. Occasionally during free time activities will hold pre-arranged staff activities. Staff may also check in with the Program Director and take part in activities during their hours-off.


Do counselors participate in evening program?

Yes! Staff participate in almost every evening program. It is a very special time of day where the entire community comes together. On those nights where staff is not part of a game, they will be present cheering campers on. Staff members who are on fire patrol for that day have the opportunity to take evening program off.

Does staff have a curfew?

Just like the senior campers, staff must be in their bunks with lights off by 11 pm when fire patrol ends in order to ensure supervision on cabin row.

Do staff participate in team meets?

While staff are not part of the Green and Brown teams and therefore do not play in those games, the staff are part of the Purple Team! Every so often the Purple Team will play the Blue Team, the campers, in a meet. We even have our own song! Hail to the counselors!

If staff want to give awards to recognize camper progress, when can they do so?

Every Saturday night at campfire activity staff has the opportunity to recognize camper progress and growth through skill assessment and recognition of camper outcomes. These can be for passing a level, improving a skill, or being very dedicated to an activity. At the end of the summer at banquet, some activities choose to give out more special awards for a girl who demonstrated exceptional growth or dedication.

What are some extra things staff may need?

Any random articles of clothing are good things to bring as there are many opportunities to use them in skits and performances. A deck of cards or other simple games are handy to have for spending time with your cabin. White clothing is needed for Saturdays and banquet. Some staff bring nicer clothes to wear on hours-off and many staff recommend bringing a laptop or tablet to facilitate record-keeping and reporting.

Are white clothes really a necessity?

Yes! Every Saturday at lunch the camp wears white clothing. This can be a t-shirt and shorts (nothing fancy). On the final Saturday of camp, at banquet, everyone is required to wear white dress usually something a little nicer like a white blouse and skirt or shorts or a white sundress.

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