Apply to be a Camp Carysbrook Staff Member
For bold and creative women who care about their impact, the next generation of young women, and the outdoors, Camp Carysbrook provides limitless growth opportunities for the real world and future real jobs. We hire extraordinary talent who develop the skills necessary to seek opportunities and tackle challenges. We pride ourselves on an inclusive culture and collaborative spirit. Speaking up and listening to others is not just encouraged here, but expected.
We thrive together and champion each other’s successes, providing our employees with rich experiences to help them develop resiliency and skills; positioning them to grow into future roles either inside or outside Camp Carysbrook.
A position at Camp Carysbrook will reward you with the opportunity to grow, innovate, have fun and do some of the most pivotal work of your career. If you are interested in bringing your curiosity and courage to challenge the status quo, start your journey by applying below.
What’s the pay like?
Like many industries and companies, Camp Carysbrook has adopted a market-value pay scale with significant improvements to staff salaries.
Another important detail to consider is that we also offer a certain amount of savings by covering your room and board to offer you the greater flexibility and financial independence. There’s also the money you will save working in a place where your daily spending is curbed.
We are happy to offer bi-weekly pay checks upon request. While money should not be your primary motive for working at camp, it also shouldn’t be a stressor and we do recognize that you may have year-round leases, tuition, and other bills. It is our goal to offer competitive wages and a flexible work environment within the framework of camp! Contact Erika for more information.
What can I expect to discuss in the interview?
The interview process allows us to get to know you better and understand if your skills would be a match for a position on our staff team. It also gives you the opportunity to speak directly with the Director and Assistant Director to see if our mission and values are a good match for you as well. Click here to preview interview topics for your reference: Interview Questions
What is Camp Carysbrook doing to be an inclusive workplace?
From the Director and Leadership to the Camp Owners, the management at Camp Carysbrook is committed to recruiting diverse staff and campers who share the company philosophy and mission. As an organization, we commit to cultivating a community that values a physically and emotionally safe environment and pledge to support camper and staff families to achieve the outcomes that are a hallmark of a summer to remember at Camp Carysbrook regardless of racial, social, cultural, religious, or economic background.
To that end, staff will receive diversity and inclusion training including but not limited to racism, sexism, discrimination based on nationality, sexual orientation, ability, or socioeconomic status, as well as training to combat bias and microaggressions in addition to training regarding privilege and allyship. Campers will receive age-appropriate anti-bias education as part of settling in to their cabin to increase understanding of differences and their value to a respectful and civil society and to actively challenge bias, stereotyping and all forms of discrimination in our community.
Does staff have a curfew?
Staff are able to fit in some well-deserved free time after taps (9:30pm) and once they have their campers settled into their bunks. Fire Patrol staff will relieve cabin staff after taps and are on call for campers so other staff can enjoy some down time in the staff lounge or the office. In order to ensure supervision on cabin row once fire patrol ends at 11pm, camp staff return to their cabin at this time. This nightly time off is in addition to daily free time at camp and 24 hours off out of camp. Exceptions to nightly time off are in the rare cases when there is no fire patrol like campfire, time when you are on fire patrol duty, and on changeover where campers will benefit from some extra TLC getting settled on their first night at camp.
I know campers cannot use phones at camp but can staff?
You will be able to use your phone when you are not on duty or with the campers in adherence to our promise of a technology-free camper experience at Camp Carysbrook. We know that you will need to communicate with your friends and family outside of camp and therefore provide blocks of time throughout the day to make time for that in the office or the staff lounge from 12-1pm, 5-6pm, or at night from 9:30-11pm. With some coordination with your co-counselor, you may find early mornings are also a good time to make a call before reveille and breakfast.
Like other professional jobs, you will not be available 24/7, and letting people outside of camp know when they can expect to contact you will make being intentional about using your phone a lot more manageable. Staff modelling independence from technology in our unplugged environment is empowering for both the campers and staff. And creating boundaries for purposeful phone use ensures that it does not become a distraction taking away from fun with campers and other staff, your duties on staff, and the overall camp experience.
What can staff do during free time?
Free times are some of the most meaningful and productive times at camp! This is a great time to do something special with your campers, take some restorative time for yourself, or take care of any pressing issues outside of camp. Ideally you find time for a combination of all of these during free time from 12-1pm, 5-6pm, and in the evening after taps. Making sure that you have time to step away from the more structured duties during activity time and time where you are expected to be in your cabin, responsible for campers like rest hour and cabin cleanup is vital to keeping up the energy to enjoy doing your job.
Do staff ever get to participate in activities?
During staff orientation staff will have an opportunity not only to try some of the activities but to feel like a camper themselves! There will also be unique activity events prearranged during free time for staff to experience different activities and even trips. Staff will primarily be working at their own activity, so staff are encouraged to check in with the Activity Coordinator if they are interested in participating in activities during their hours-off.
Once I am hired, how can I access my Camp InTouch account to complete all my employment paperwork online?
Once you have been hired, you will have access to your profile in Camp InTouch where you can log in to see what needs to be completed in order to work at camp this summer and get paid! Having your tax forms and other paperwork as well as your health profile completed by May 15th will not only make you a team player and fan favorite of the Healthcare Manager and Food Services Manager, it will also make your free time a true break so you are not catching up on forms at that time. It also means that our processes are streamlined to ensure that your allergies, dietary restrictions, and other important accommodations are addressed before you arrive!
How do I set up an internship?
There are a variety of internships or independent study for credit that you can set up in advance to make your time at camp count double! In the past, we have had staff complete culinary, marketing, education, psychology, environmental science, parks and rec, etc. Contact Erika for details.
What should I pack?
Staff can use the Equipment Needs packing list as a guide. Many staff bring a computer to be stored in the office or staff lounge. A backpack to carry your Staff binder, attendance sheets, and other equipment for running your activity is also recommended. Many staff bring their own car. There is staff parking available on the property.
International staff should consult the International Staff Packing List. Bed linens and towels are provided to international staff. Be certain to bring any medications or supplements that you may need while at camp, as it may be difficult to access prescription medications from overseas.
How do Workers In Training (WITS) apply?
WITs follow the same staff application process completing an online staff application form and the interview process. See link to staff application above. The WIT position is a paid position and includes room and board and 80 community service hours for successful completion of the program for the full eight weeks of camp, including staff week. WITs are some of the most competent and talented staff, however due to their age under 18 they are not authorized to operate an activity without support/supervision for insurance purposes. This is not unlike the necessity of a staff member requiring a certified Lifeguard when taking campers swimming even though the staff member is an excellent swimmer. WITs have a dedicated staff member to guide them in pre-camp preparation for their responsibilities on staff in the summer and to support them in their final step of transitioning from camper to staff member. WITs do a variety of service projects including planning the summer’s theme, painting the theme mural in the dining hall, the final banquet slide show, and more. As former campers, WITs offer a unique camper perspective that is vital to our team making it the best summer ever for our campers!
What is fire patrol?
There are two fire patrols, front and back, where two staff members are stationed each day during free times and after taps. When on fire patrol, staff monitor campers and are expected to build a fire following taps (hence, the name). On rainy days, fire patrol moves to a cabin porch but staff continue to be on duty for supervision. Fire patrol ends at 11 pm.
What is the staff’s role during meals?
At each table, there will be a head and a foot staff member assigned each week. The head will serve the food throughout the meal. The foot will serve drinks and facilitate clean-up at the end of the meal. Some tables will have side staff members who sit at the table when they are not filling in for a head or a foot at another table. This is a great opportunity to model community, engagement and making new friends with a diverse group of individuals.
What happens at staff meeting?
During staff meetings, the staff comes together to recap and the week ahead is laid out. We reflect on the fun and the challenges and prepare as a team for what is ahead. Feedback from the week is discussed as well as suggestions for improvements. Staff meeting is a great time to lean in and collaborate, brainstorm, and take on new responsibility in a supportive group of like-minded women.
Do counselors participate in evening program?
Yes! Staff participate in almost every evening program. It is a very special time of day where the entire community comes together. On those nights where staff is not part of a game, they will be present cheering campers on and support other staff. Staff members who are on fire patrol for that day have a choice to participate in the evening program or make up free time they have missed while on duty.
Do staff participate in team meets?
While staff are not part of the Green and Brown teams and therefore do not play in those games, the staff are part of the Purple Team! Every so often the Purple Team will play the Blue Team, the campers, in a meet. We even have our own song! Hail to the counselors!
If staff want to give awards to recognize camper progress, when can they do so?
Every Saturday night at Campfire activity staff has the opportunity to recognize camper progress and growth through skill assessment and recognition of camper outcomes. These awards can be for passing a level, improving a skill, or exhibiting strong dedication at an activity. At the end of the summer at Banquet, some activities choose to give out more special awards for a girl who has demonstrated exceptional growth or dedication throughout the summer.
What are some extra things staff may need?
Any random articles of clothing are good things to bring as there are many opportunities to use them in skits and performances. A deck of cards or other simple games are handy to have for spending time with your cabin. White clothing is needed for Saturdays and banquet. Some staff bring nicer clothes to wear on hours-off and many staff recommend bringing a laptop or tablet to facilitate record-keeping and reporting.
What do I need to know if I am bringing my car to camp?
Bringing your own vehicle to camp can be a great way to have some independence on your time off. If you do bring your own car, please use the following checklist to make sure you are not using your precious time off to deal with car issues!
- Make sure you have your registration and insurance information with you
- Make sure the inspection is up to date and will not be due during camp
- Make sure you are up to date on oil change and all fluids are topped off before departing for camp
- Consider having a mechanic give your car a well-check (tires, battery, windshield, etc.), if it is older or has had issues in the past
- Consider a membership to a roadside assistance service like AAA
Are white clothes really a necessity?
Yes! Every Saturday at lunch the camp wears white clothing. This can be a t-shirt and shorts (nothing fancy). On the final Saturday of camp, at banquet, everyone is required to wear white dress usually something a little nicer like a white blouse and skirt or shorts or a white sundress.
Does Camp provide staff transportation?
Yes! There will be a camp van with limited seating available (priority given to International Staff) that departs from the Washington DC metro area stopping at Dulles Airport. International staff should schedule their flights to arrive for a 12pm van departure. Contact or 540-382-1670 for more information.
What if I know someone who wants to work at camp or know of a class, etc. where people may be interested in working at camp?
There is a staff referral bonus if you directly recommend someone who is successfully hired and completes her contract at camp. Contact for more details. For summer 2022 flyers to share click here.
Are there any costumes (fancy dress) I need to pack?
There’s always an excuse to dress up at camp from Evening program to 4th of July! We encourage you to bring any special costumes you feel might be fun but we also have a full stash of costumes in the drama hut and with a bit of creativity, you would be surprised how amazing even the simplest accessories turn out!
Is there a special staff shirt or uniform?
Camp provides you with a staff shirt to represent the purple (staff) team! When staff compete against the campers in fun games and meets, dressing in purple is encouraged to represent team spirit! On changeover days, please wear the staff shirt and a pair of comfortable, “appropriate” shorts! We want you to be comfortable, professional, and ready to greet campers and their families!
What vaccines are necessary to work at Camp Carysbrook?
Camp Carysbrook requires campers and staff be current in the following vaccines:
Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertusis (TDaP)
Mumps, Measles, Rubella (MMR)
COVID-19 (including any booster you may qualify for)
Other vaccines are recommended but not required. We encourage you to speak with your primary care physician to discuss what is further recommended for you especially if traveling to the United States from abroad. If you have any questions, please contact the Healthcare Manager or the Director.
Why is Camp Carysbrook requiring the COVID-19 vaccine for campers and staff?
The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends COVID-19 vaccination for all children and adolescents 5 years of age and older who do not have contraindications using a COVID-19 vaccine approved through an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) or Biologics License Application (BLA), recommended by CDC, and appropriate for their age and health status.”
Like the other vaccines we require as a community in a congregate overnight setting, the COVID-19 vaccine provides a trifecta of protection:
- Help protect members of the community from getting COVID-19
- Minimize the spread of the virus to others
- Help protect members of the community from getting sick if infected
“The COVID-19 vaccine is recommended because, for some individuals, becoming infected with COVID-19 can have serious, life-threatening complications (especially those with specific infirmities or co-morbidities who are at high risk). Even those who are not at a high risk of developing complications could spread the disease to friends, family, and others if infected with the virus.” American Camp Association Field Guide
COVID vaccines are safe and effective. The best way for staff to successfully deliver our signature Camp Carysbrook summer to remember experience is to have our campers and staff vaccinated to minimize the impact of this communicable disease and others. If you have a bona fide medical exemption authorized by your pediatrician, please contact Erika in the office.
American Academy of Pediatrics: How mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were developed
American Academy of Pediatrics
How can I ship belongings or order things I may need directly to camp?
If you are interested, Ship Camps service is available for Carysbrook campers and staff with reduced rates via traditional shipping services like FedEx, UPS, and DHL. Click the link for a free quote.
Simply pack your duffel bags, trunks, luggage, sporting equipment, and more, and their hassle-free service will collect them directly from your doorstep. International service is available. Keep up with our real-time tracking, too, all the way to on-time delivery to your camper’s future bunk. Ship larger luggage items including trunks and duffel bags directly to the camp address to your attention!
If you would like to order items and have them delivered directly at camp, send it to your attention at Camp Carysbrook and just forward the shipping details to Erika so she can make sure it is set aside for you!