Savannah Lunger
Check out what Erika and Savannah are doing to build another talented and dedicated staff team at Camp Carysbrook for this summer! Be a part of the staff ready to welcome campers for a fun, meaningful, and historic 102nd summer at Camp Carysbrook!
Head Counselor
Position open
Healthcare Team
Position available
Target Shooting
Position available
Lauren Dando
🐘 Originally from: East Midlands, England
🐘 Currently: Completing degree in primary education at Nottingham Trent University
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: Welcoming, close-knit, supportive, and empowering community that encourages young women to develop their leadership and independence; unplugged environment; opportunity for growth
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Adaptability, awareness, creative problem solving, flexibility, giving and receiving feedback
🐘 Most excited for: Continuing to build on campers’ skills and progress at Riflery and encouraging new campers to to try the activity; evening programs; cabin night; tubing down the river; trying out caving; getting to see all the campers again!
“Camp Carysbrook has become a second home to me, somewhere where everyone can grow and be themselves. I am proud to be part of a community that empowers, instills confidence, and encourages friendships within young women. I am honoured to help other campers find their place at Camp Carysbrook and see girls and women grow over their time at camp.”
Horseback Riding
Positions available
Wildnerness Trips Leader
Position available
Position filled
Rebecca Strang
🐘 Originally from: Surrey, United Kingdom
🐘 Currently: Working as an early years practitioner at a nursery during a gap year
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: Amazing rustic and outdoor environment, staff culture, opportunity to meet people from different countries
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Organization, awareness, communication, growth mindset
🐘 Most excited for: Sharing years of drama experience with campers, especially new games and writing and interpreting scrips; meeting new people from all over the world; trying horseback riding
“I am proud to be part of Camp Carysbrook’s staff team because of the focus on empowering girls and women, as well as the strong sense of community.”
Position filled
Fernanda Vela
🐘 Originally from: Hidalgo, México
🐘 Currently: Completing Political Science degree at UPAEP
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: the supportive and empowering community; the amazing campers and staff
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Mentorship, communication, awareness, organization
🐘 Most excited for: New ideas, fun games and challenges at Tumbling; mentoring the GoToGirls and supporting first-time campers; having a chance to try even more new activities around camp!
“I just love camp, I knew I wanted to go back to the campers and the incredible people that work there. I am proud of being part of such a great community in such an empowering environment. I love watching the girls grow in a lot of aspects and helping them achieve their goals.”
Position available
Shaden Itzel Jiminez Mendoza
🐘 Originally from: Chiapas, México
🐘 Currently: Studying English Instruction at Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: the focus on girls’ and women’s empowerment, the strong community
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Organization, communication, curiosity, problem-solving
🐘 Most excited for: Returning to the kitchen and getting to know the campers, meeting new people, making delicious food with the kitchen team, Dancing with the Stars!
“For me, the concept of women’s empowerment and unity that Camp Carysbrook has is very important. I’m really excited to come back, and I am proud to have the opportunity to make dishes that campers love!”
Gabriela Hernandez Alaffita
🐘 Originally from: Xalapa, México
🐘 Currently: Completing a Bachelor’s degree in Law and studying at culinary school
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: Opportunities for growth and learning, close-knit community and supportive teammates, emphasis on empowerment
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Adaptability, problem-solving, communication, collaboration
🐘 Most excited for: the sense of purpose and satisfaction that comes from providing campers and staff with healthy and delicious meals that everyone can enjoy; trying new cooking techniques and recipes, especially desserts; meeting new people
“I chose Camp Carysbrook to spend my summer because I want it to be unforgettable. I am very excited to be able to implement what I have learned since I was there, as well as learn new things, meet new people, and create memories and adventures with the staff. I appreciate the warmth and empowerment of the Purple Team, and being at camp feels like coming home. I am proud to know that I am part of a place full of female empowerment, where you will always feel supported, where you discover and learn new things, a place that encourages you, teaches you to develop and realize skills that you didn’t know you had, and above all where you achieve things that you didn’t know you were capable of doing.”
Mariana Concepción Maceda Aguirre
🐘 Originally from: Oaxaca, Mexico
🐘 Currently: Studying Graphic Design at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: Opportunities for growth and new accomplishments, supportive and empowering all-girls/women community, staff culture and camp values
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Organization, communication, creativity, initiative
🐘 Most excited for: Getting to know new people and learning more with the kitchen team, being part of the day to day for the campers, disconnecting from technology, Dancing with the Stars, archery, swimming
“I am proud to finally be able to do this adventure thanks to the support I have had and more from Camp Carysbrook who has given me this opportunity. I am simply very grateful to them and I will give all my effort to make every day from breakfast to dinner something to remember for the campers, kitchen team and future friends.”
Outdoor Living Skills
Position available
Canoeing/Dock Staff
Position available
Swimming/Dock Staff
Positions available
Recreational Sports
Position available
Position available
Position available
Position available
Position filled
Bethany Smith
🐘 Originally from: Auckland, New Zealand
🐘 Currently: Volunteering and working at a daycare before taking a gap year
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: Vibrant and fun community, variety of activities on offer, history, unplugged environment
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Engagement, organization, creativity, communication
🐘 Most excited for: Helping campers learn a variety dance styles, incorporating games and team-building as well as technique and choreography into daily activities, seeing campers create their own choreography; creating long-lasting connections with everyone and creating memories; trying new activities
“I am proud to be a part of the Camp Carysbrook staff team because of the strong teamwork culture and the exciting adventures offered to campers. I look forward to creating new memories and allowing campers to express themselves and learn new skills.”
Arts & Crafts
Position available
Position available
Store Manager/Office
Position available
Position available
Workers In Training
Positions available
Grace Rardin
🐘 Originally from: Alexandria, Virginia
🐘 Currently: Rising high school senior
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: Tight-knit community, opportunity to make an impact
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Awareness, problem-solving, motivation
🐘 Most excited for: Getting to know everyone, participating in evening programs, getting to see camp from the counselor perspective, bonding with the staff team
“I love camp so much and it has really made me into the person I am today. I really want to help younger campers get what I got out of it because it’s such a special place. I’m proud to be part of staff this summer because Carysbrook is such a supportive community that has provided so many girls the confidence and empowerment they need to be able to be their authentic selves and I’m so excited to help contribute to that.”
Aurelia Mapp
🐘 Originally from: Springdale, Maryland
🐘 Currently: Rising high school senior
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: Strong community, connection with nature, long history of empowerment, opportunity to make an impact, long-lasting friendships
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Communication, teamwork, creativity, problem-solving, awareness
🐘 Most excited for: Evening programs, planning fun cabin activities, applying skills from the CIT program, making a positive impact
“I’m proud to be a member of such a welcoming and supportive community rooted in uplifting others. Over the years camp has become my home away from home and I can’t wait to help other girls discover who they are and grow throughout the summer. Continuing Camp Carysbrook’s ongoing mission and legacy is something I am incredibly passionate about and I can’t wait to put my skills to work transitioning from CIT to WIT!”
Annabelle Huebner
🐘 Originally from: Decatur, Georgia
🐘 Currently: Rising high school senior
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: The tight-knit, empowering community of women and girls supporting each other to be the best versions of themselves; the Carysbrook philosophy
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Adaptability, collaboration, problem-solving, growth mindset
🐘 Most excited for: Being a cabin counselor and experiencing camp on the other side after experiencing it for so long as a camper; giving back by helping campers and being a part of the magic of Carysbrook; experimenting with new ideas that could last for more than just the summer
“Camp has been my summer home for longer than I can remember, and I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. I’m so excited to give back to this community in all the ways it has given to me throughout the years. Carysbrook is a place that gives girls the confidence to be their authentic selves, and I’m so excited to play a part in that this summer!! I’m really excited to get to use the experience I’ve gained to make this summer as memorable as possible for everyone!”
Natalie Burke
🐘 Originally from: Alexandria, Virginia
🐘 Currently: Rising high school senior
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: Strong community, opportunity to unplug, connection to nature, life-long friendships
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Awareness, problem-solving, enthusiasm, creativity
🐘 Most excited for: Having fun and making memories as a cabin row counselor; evening programs; making announcements at meals
“I can’t wait to learn how to apply all that I learned in the CIT program as a staff member. Camp has had such a big impact on my life and I can’t wait to see it impact other campers in the same way. I can’t wait to help girls find their authentic voice and embrace the magic of camp.”
Hayden Witter
🐘 Originally from: Morgantown, West Virginia
🐘 Currently: Rising high school senior
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: Unplugged environment, Carysbrook philosophy, opportunity for authentic self-discovery and personal development
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Creativity, communication, drive, growth mindset
🐘 Most excited for: Having fun with campers and staff, fostering a sense of belonging through camp programming, unique WIT opportunities, evening programs, being on the Purple Team!!
“Camp has always been a safe place where I can truly be myself without the distraction of social media. I’m so excited for the opportunity to help other campers find their place and spark at Camp, and to help foster independence and authenticity as a counselor.”
Emily Hagan
🐘 Originally from: Virginia Beach, Virginia
🐘 Currently: Rising high school senior
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: Opportunity to give back to the Carysbrook community; all-female, outdoor, unplugged environment
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Communication, engagement, growth mindset
🐘 Most excited for: Experiencing camp from a staff perspective after years as a camper; helping campers dive deeper into their favorite interests through Carysbrook Quest at activities
“I’m proud to be a part of the 102nd summer staff team because this community creates a space where everyone can be themselves without judgement, and I want to become the person I looked up to when I was a camper. I chose Camp Carysbrook this summer to give back to a place that has supported me for most of my life. Camp has always been a home to me, and I feel like I’ve been working up to this for years. I’m excited for the whole experience!”
Ashlyn Bibb-Johnson
🐘 Originally from: Christiansburg, Virginia
🐘 Currently: Rising college freshman
🐘 Why Camp Carysbrook: The community, lifelong friendships, the natural, unplugged environment, opportunities to try so many new things
🐘 Key skills/contributions: Collaboration, communication, awareness, organization
🐘 Most excited for: Seeing how much campers grow within activities and seeing them achieve new skills; personal and professional growth; collaborating with and learning from teammates
“I’m proud to get to see what it’s like to transition from the Blue to Purple team and to be a part of a cabin where I can help my campers grow and learn so many new things from a staff point of view and not just a camper point of view.”
For more information on any of our available positions, please contact the Camp Director by phone at 540-382-1670 or by email at