2025 Registration Information
It is our goal to partner with parents/guardians to work together to determine if the Camp Carysbrook program will be a positive experience and is suitable for your camper prior to her enrollment. Safe participation in the programming at Camp Carysbrook requires certain physical, mental, emotional, and social health abilities, and we are limited as to the types of accommodations we are able to provide by the scope of our program and facilities. Please use the following criteria as a guide to assess your camper’s readiness and schedule an appointment with the Director, Erika Schlichter should you have any questions. A baseline for participation in our programming, without added accommodations entails the following:
- Are 6-16 and/or entering 1st through 12th grade.
- Are current in vaccination status for Tetanus and MMR.
- Are female in gender without a history of or current experience of gender. dysphoria, in keeping with our mission to serve the unique needs of girls in today’s world.
- Are in good health, physically and emotionally, and have the ability to participate as part of a supportive community in a socially healthy way.
- Are in good mental, emotional, and social health with the ability to function in a group setting in a positive and cooperative manner that displays tolerance and respect for self and others.
- Are able to interact responsibly in a group and work together as part of a team.
- Are equipped with the emotional maturity to handle the sleep-away-from-home aspects of the camp program, including living independently in a group setting and taking care of their own personal needs (dressing themselves, sleeping independently, brushing hair, teeth, etc).
- Are able and willing to follow all instructions and refrain from behaviors that pose a risk to self or others and prepared to contribute to a safe learning environment, using respectful language and appropriate physical behavior as detailed in the Camper Code of Conduct.
Camp Carysbrook is committed to providing people with disabilities integrated (that is, not separate, except in special circumstances) access to our programs — and to make reasonable modifications to facilitate that access, so long as appropriate and practical. Camp Carysbrook is, however, limited in the accommodations it can make given the nature of its operations. Camp Carysbrook will not be able to accommodate a disability if that accommodation would be considered “unreasonable” — in terms of cost, safety considerations, or an alteration of the fundamental nature of our program.
As each camper’s ability to participate is unique, decisions to accept a participant are made on an individual basis. As such, we request that all new camper parents/guardians, as well as returning camper parents/caregivers with any changes that affect their camper’s eligibility, contact Erika upon enrolling their camper:
Upon registration, log into your CampMinder account any time to make any modifications to your registration including making a payment, adding options like riding or store account funds before May 15th.
Still have questions? Schedule a time to chat with the Director, Erika Schlichter: